All tagged marketing

Do I Belong Here?

A few years ago I was meeting a magazine editor at a neighborhood coffee shop that I had never visited before.  While sipping a beverage awaiting my appointment, I took a mental note of the “feel” of this newly discovered coffee house.  Or, more specifically, I made a note of how it made ME feel.  And, as you’ll see from the actual Facebook post I wrote at the time, I didn’t quite feel at ease.

Navigating the Marketing Maze

As a kid I loved activity books and puzzles.  But there was one particular brain game that I struggled with.  The dreaded maze.  “Help the mouse get to the cheese.”  “Pirate Jack has lost his treasure. Can you help him get to it?”  Oh, the pressure!!

And I would always, always do the mazes in pencil for fear that I would head down the wrong path and my mistake would be forever immortalized in unforgiving red crayon.  Yes, I was a very dramatic child. Why do you ask?